Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Exits! B'HAM Grown!

So I introduce to you the Exits! They consist of Jordan and Tyler! and this is their first ep entitled Sophomoric
I actually didnt even know this existed until the other night when i went to hang out at Jordan and heard this. and damn i was blown away. this is just really chill music that is good for any type of mood you are in!
The first track fading away took awhile to make but was "cooked up in a bedroom and recorded at the studio in Fairhaven at Western Washington University" as well as all the others!
i'm going to allow you to stream this whole ep because this link here will allow you to download it, but they are giving it away for free, just enter $0.00. but any donations im sure they will appreciate greatly!
OH YEAH and the third track, Hibiscus was the first track that i heard and i must say sickkk!
heres the link to their facebook 

in case you missed... or didnt read above... here is the dl link

The Exits- Sophomoric EP Exits Sophomoric by slapperswindowsout

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